Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Learning more about Blogging

I've been working most of the day
 trying to finish tweeking my site. I'm still not
 finished, but at least I can work in it and post.........
I'm going to ghost back the profile image to see if that
 helps being able to see the title and description.

And I'm working on a copyright statement. 


After putting this thing together....there is more tweeking to be done.

Since I'm not very familiar with designing websites,
 I have a lot more noodling to do with this one.
A new profile story would be good, as this one is
 a few years old. I really do like the idea of having
a lot of favorite sites on my blog. It inspires me
and keeps me moving in the right direction.

My sister ~in~law Susan, aka, Sue, aka, Suey,
 aka, Sewer or CS2!! will be contributing here from
time to time, but doesn't know it yet. She always
has something good to offer in the way of art, scrapbooking,
 memory or heritage books, crafts, teaching, relationships,
marriage, donkeys, adolescent behavioral sciences,
 culinary endeavors, Scrabble,
and all things Fairie!!!

Here's something to ponder. When you visit here at my house
 you are more than welcome to browse, enjoy,
praise or critique. Though, there is a rule for critiquing
on this site. If you find something is not quite right,
I have no problem with you pointing it out,
but you will then have to offer a suggestion
 as to how it may be fixed.

Thank you so much!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Red Barns

Lately I've been pondering Red Barns. Not sure why. Just pondering. The ground needs to be covered in snow. They stand out like a search light. Here is a small sketch of one I saw lately.

Welcome to this first post on my new blog

I've decided to start a new blog 
dedicated to making art
 and all things creative.

My older blog will now be entirely family and friends.
Please continue to visit me there. I love showing
off life with my family and friends.

I hope you enjoy the creativity here
and will visit frequently as
 I am hoping that this will
encourage my work 
and offer seed for 
the hungry artist
in all of you.