Thursday, March 28, 2013

Art with my Heart & my Hands

Kim, (my neice) took this shot in her dad and mom's
backyard. We were having a short art lesson here. We're
sitting on Layne and Susan's backporch having coffee
 and enjoying the sun and the early morning. 
Later, the girls came to investigate and stayed to play.

I am linking this post to Helen's
Hump Day Haiku

Kim, Susan and Me
Painting, Learning, and Playing
Favorite things to do.

This is Kim, Susan and Me.
This is the back porch and the painting lesson.

Kyra and Maya soon take over.

Kim and I worked on some small soldered Art pieces.
Sure wish we could get together
more often.

Love Notes

I have just  started a 3 week post card swap called
 "Love Notes". I'm really enjoying it. Here are a few of
the post cards that I have sent and received.
The point of the swap is to send "Handwritten words"
through the mail with words of love and encouragement
to a pre-chosen partner somewhere
in the world. We get to know someone new,
we make someone's day and ours too!

I sent this the 1st week

I received this the 1st week

I sent this the 2nd week

I received this the 2nd week

I sent this the 3rd week

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hump Day Haiku

I am working on a post card swap that has 
a little bit to do with my haiku today.

I am linking this post to Helen's
Hump Day Haiku

Teach without teaching
Love without realizing
Setting examples

A little Tao, a little haiku, a little Confucius, 
 a little LaoTzu and a little of my Mama!

Monday, March 18, 2013


I'm still working on my blog, so excuse the spelling errors, spacing problems, etc.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Brushes, brushes, brushes!!

 Here are a number of favorite brushes,
 explaining a bit about each.

My Travel Art Bag...........

For many years I've carried my "Travel Art Bag" with me whenever I leave the house. I use to be frustrated when I'd see something amazing to paint and I'd have no supplies with me. So I put together a small bag with everything I needed. These days I also carry a small point and shoot camera. I've become excited about the hundreds of train cars coming through my neighborhood with the most beautiful graphiti painted on them. I snap pictures of train cars all the time now.

Back to the travel bag. If you are interested in putting one together, here is a list of the things I keep in mine. You can of course put in whatever you need for your own bag.

1. I look for a bag that will fit just the things I need to do small sketches or doodles.
I get mine at the Goodwill or Value Village or any thrift store. One with lots of little
pockets in it is great. You can fit all the different size supplies in it and have them
all available right at hand without having to rummage around at the bottom of your bag.

2. Now that you have your bag, you'll want to fit pencils, brushes, rulers etc. in neatly so they
    fit and don't fall out as you go. I found several short handled brushes that I like and I bought
    a really nice travel brush from an art supply store. You will need smaller size brushes
    and smaller sizes pencils. I use #8 and #6 brushes. 2 is all I usually need. I use pencils that have
    been used far enough down to fit in my bag. I usually only need 3 or 4.

3. I take a small watercolor tablet or block and a small sketch book.

4. A travel set of watercolors is good and a small set of watercolor crayons.

5. I had a tin that fit perfectly to carry my brushes in. When I placed them in my bag I make
    sure that the brush ends are sitting upright so the brushes don't get smooshed. The pencils
    and a small 6" ruler can fit into some of your small compartments.

6. I found a used vitamin bottle that fits in a compartment of my bag. Make sure the top
    fits tightly so you can carry water with you.

7. Always carry a few small (8"x8") paint rags. I tear up old T-shirts. The work great.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Quote Book

A few years ago a girlfriend of mine (Anne) and I 
started an abecedarian. These are a few samples of the art. 
We only finished about 75% of the book, so I thought I'd try
 to finish it now. I will ad more pieces as they are finished.





Saturday, March 2, 2013

Drawings from a small sketchbook 2003

All of the following sketches were done
in a restaurant setting.....

None of the subjects above knew they were being sketched