Sunday, April 28, 2013


The comfort of home
Bedtime is my favorite
Safe and real fuzzy.

I am linking this post
to Helen's Hump Day Haiku

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day upon day after day.....

Hey little lady....whatcha doin? It's spring time.
Even if the rain is still trying to stay here.
Let's see if there is some way to work around the rain.

How about painting Grama Lynn? Or.....cutting?  Or
going for a walk? Or building houses with BIG boxes?

Well, painting is good.
And cutting is really fun!
But nothing beats naps!!

Oh no Grama Lynn!
The puddles are all ready!
And my boots are on!

I'm posting this to 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Artist Trading Cards

I've been designing and trading ATC cards since 2004. 
Most of the time I draw because that's my
 favorite media. Every once in a while I like
 to change it up and work with different materials.

This is a watercolor of my granddaughter Jade when 
we were on the way to take her to camp a few 
summers ago.  I used it in an ATC card.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Making Collages with Leeah

We make our background first, by painting or laying
down layers of paper or spray the page. We let it
dry well. While our base paper dries we choose all of 
the things we would like on our collages. We chose cut out
pages or pictures from old books. We thought a walk
 outside for awhile would be good for finding objects
 that would work. We chose ribbon, wire, buttons, 
beads, stickers or pre-cut shapes etc. We then spent 
the next couple of hours getting messy and artsy 
with our collages and all the beautiful treasures
we found to put on to our art pieces.

Slopping and slapping
my brush across the colors
swirling and twirling

I'm linking this posting to
Helen's Hump Day Haiku