Monday, March 17, 2014

Journal 52

In January I joined another group online called "Journal 52". It's a group that creates a journal page a week for 52 weeks. I am trying to catch up as I started late. The host gives us a prompt 
on Sundays and than we post them either on FB or Flicker before the end of the week. 
There are no deadlines, which works well with my schedule. 
Here are the first 6. I am suppose to be on #11. I'm working on all of them
at the same time, and I'm loving it.

 "Up up and Away"

 "Somewhere a simple place"

 "You make me smile"

 "Building Character"

 "Abstract Art Interpretation"

"The Lost Art of the Love Letter"

If you go to Face Book or Flicker you can see them and 
their written explanations.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Love Notes ~ Project #7 ~ Post Card one, two, and three.

This is for you Glenda. #1

This is #2 Glenda

#2 back


by Leeah Jade

#3 back

I thoroughly enjoyed this three weeks of Love Notes. I've enjoyed getting to
know Glenda. I loved her cards and the special care she took to make sure they
made their way to me in good care. And I especially liked the words I read
each week. Thank you Glenda.

A side note to Glenda..... I had stayed up late the night I finished the
last two cards and I left them out when I went to bed. I got up late the next 
morning and found the love note my great granddaughter had left for Glenda also. 
So I adjusted my original design and sent her love note also. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

GrittyJane's #40 Portrait Challenge

I've started in a new group online just a few weeks ago. I love it.
 It's my favorite subject matter. Portraits. People. Expressions.
 Motion. Feelings. I love it. (I said that, sorry)
Here is one of the pieces.

We have to create 40 portraits. We can do it in our time. 
No deadlines. My kind of group.

This is my Dad, Jack Adams. This is from a photo of him
on his discharge from the Navy after WWII.